
Your Questions About Los Angeles Balloon Sinuplasty, Answered

Jul 08, 2016
Balloon sinuplasty, or balloon sinus surgery, is a procedure which is easy to explain, but difficult to envision. Most patients understand that it involves a tiny inflatable balloon which inflates to greater volume, opening up the inflamed walls...

Balloon sinuplasty, or balloon sinus surgery, is a procedure which is easy to explain, but difficult to envision.

Most patients understand that it involves a tiny inflatable balloon which inflates to greater volume, opening up the inflamed walls of your sinuses so that mucus can drain. But that simple explanation leaves out a few details.

This website offers several key answers to common questions, including this one:

How Long Does Surgery With Balloon Sinuplasty Technology Take?

The duration of the procedure varies by individual situations. Ask your healthcare provider for the most accurate answer. In a study of 1,036 patients who underwent sinus surgery with Balloon Sinuplasty technology at multiple institutions, an average procedure time was 3 hours, including the surgery and post-anesthesia recovery time. None of the patients required an overnight stay at the hospital.

The procedure is extremely fast and tremendously supported by evidence of safety. It also provides lasting relief for more than 90% of patients, with minimal adverse effects.

Want to learn more about the best balloon sinuplasty in LA? Call us today.