
Why It Matters: Allergies Vs. Sinus Infection

Mar 21, 2016
Allergies and sinus infection can seem like evil twins. They both inflame your mucosa, leaving you with sensations of fullness, pain and difficulty breathing. But here the similarities end, and the symptoms begin to diverge.

Allergies and sinus infection can seem like evil twins. They both inflame your mucosa, leaving you with sensations of fullness, pain and difficulty breathing.

But here the similarities end, and the symptoms begin to diverge.

Sinus infections tend to strike a little deeper, leading to issues such as sore throat and fever, while allergies more or less remain in the nose and sinuses where they began. Sinus infections also typically resolve on their own within a couple weeks, whereas allergies can persist, zombie-like, for many weeks or months.

Understanding which is which is crucial to seeking good treatment, so it’s important to recognize the telltale symptoms of each:

One of the key ways to tell if you are experiencing allergic rhinitis is if you have itchy, watery eyes along with your other symptoms. Itchiness is rarely a symptom of a sinus infection. Another way to tell the difference is if you have very thick yellow or green nasal discharge. That is more likely a symptom of a sinus infection.

If you’re congested, uncomfortable, and at the end of your rope, it’s time to call on a sinus doctor in Los Angeles. Start here for an expert diagnostic roundup.