
Understanding Deviated Septum

May 29, 2016
If you’re concerned about a deviated septum and considering deviated septum surgery, it helps to start with a solid working knowledge of the anatomy. A deviated septum is the name we give it when the wall between your nostrils, known as the nasal septum...

If you’re concerned about a deviated septum and considering deviated septum surgery, it helps to start with a solid working knowledge of the anatomy. A deviated septum is the name we give it when the wall between your nostrils, known as the nasal septum, is offset to one side or the other.

What are the causes of deviated septum? The most common is simply hereditary; most people are born with some degree of deviation. Other causes can include disease and injury.

This website offers a nice clear look at the various issues surrounding deviated septum, including a valuable discussion of when and why to consider corrective septal surgery, known as septoplasty:

The level of improvement you can expect with surgery depends on the severity of your deviation. Symptoms due to the deviated septum — particularly nasal obstruction — often completely resolve.

My sinus surgery center is the premier destination for outstanding deviated septum surgery in Los Angeles. Because of our cooperative agreement with cosmetic surgeons, we can clear your airway and improve your appearance safely and easily. Call today to schedule an appointment.