
The Costs of Persistent Sinusitis

Aug 19, 2015
Sinusitis can be a debilitating disorder, characterized by pain, pressure and difficulty speaking. But many people do not know the other great cost of chronic sinusitis – actual cost, as in money:...

Sinusitis can be a debilitating disorder, characterized by pain, pressure and difficulty speaking. But many people do not know the other great cost of chronic sinusitis – actual cost, as in money:

The impact [of sinusitis is] a direct annual healthcare cost of $5.8 billion from ambulatory and emergency department services and a half-million sinus-related surgical procedures, according to a clinical study by the American Academy of Otolaryngology’s Head and Neck Surgery Foundation.

“The indirect costs of sinusitis,” the AAO study noted, “include 73 million days of restricted activity per year.”

In the old days, sinus surgery to correct sinusitis required many days of slow recovery before patients could return to work. Today, balloon sinus surgery has changed the calculus on this procedure, returning many patients to regular life within 48 hours.

If you’re interested in learning about how in-office balloon sinuplasty can help you stay productive and healthy, please don’t hesitate to contact the Los Angeles sinus surgeons today.