
Sleep Apnea Can Lead to Injuries

Apr 09, 2016
Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by injury, obesity, or something else. Whatever its cause, the result is exhaustion: limited focus, depressed mood, and a telltale lack of energy for tackling new tasks.

Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by injury, obesity, or something else. Whatever its cause, the result is exhaustion: limited focus, depressed mood, and a telltale lack of energy for tackling new tasks.

Obstructive sleep apnea also places a great strain on the heart because of the long periods of interrupted breathing, which require hard work to recover from. And it places a strain on the brain, which can go for exceptionally long times without freshly oxygenated blood. We know already that sleep apnea is closely associated with stroke, depression, mood disorders, and impaired cognition.

But now we know that it can also cause everyday injuries.

That is the conclusion of a recent study which looked at 1,236 patients referred to a sleep clinic in Canada, and tracked the outcomes of those who tested positive for the disorder versus those who did not. It turns out sleep apnea is a strong indicator for increased risk of workplace injuries:

Nearly 10 percent of people with sleep apnea had filed a claim reporting an injury, while only 5.4 percent of those without sleep apnea did the same.

Again, the likely cause here is simple exhaustion, but that doesn’t mean the problem should be minimized. Workplace injuries can range from simple slips to catastrophic falls or burns, underscoring just how important it is to arrive at your workplace properly rested.

The Los Angeles Sinus Institute offers the highest standard of care for sleep apnea, including expert diagnostics and the best sinus surgeons in Los Angeles. Contact us today to learn more about how you can beat sleep apnea.