
How a Deviated Septum Holds You Back

Nov 03, 2015
There is a widespread misconception that a deviated septum is largely a cosmetic disorder. Although it’s true that the resulting asymmetry can sometimes be a source of diminished confidence and embarrassment among sufferers,...

There is a widespread misconception that a deviated septum is largely a cosmetic disorder. Although it’s true that the resulting asymmetry can sometimes be a source of diminished confidence and embarrassment among sufferers, deviated septums can also present real medical problems with real consequences.

Athletes in particular often report that they cannot perform to their full potential when breathing and airflow are disrupted by a deviated nasal septum. This recent article describes one runner’s ordeal with the disorder:

“I had surgery for a deviated septum,” Harding said. “I didn’t know you could actually breathe out of your nose. I had to teach myself to breathe completely differently when I ran.

Although she was able to adjust her breathing accordingly, most experts agree that the best treatment would have been a wholesale correction of the septum to open a new and comfortable airway for comfortable exercise.

If you’re looking for the best deviated septum surgeon in Los Angeles, please don’t hesitate to contact the LA Sinus Institute today.